Different Types of Depression and Mood Disorders


When making a medical diagnosis of different types of depression, psychiatrists and physicians alike rely on a manual composed of opinions. Its called the DSM.

The DSM is published by the American Psychiatric Association, and stands for Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. This guide is the result of a corrupt industry, encompassing over 300 mental disorders that were voted on by a group of individuals with direct ties to drug companies.

Basically, the DSM is what allows doctors to make a diagnosis on a patient. Once that diagnosis is made, then treatment follows. The treatment comes in the form of a pill. That pill costs money. That money is paid to the drug companies who manufacture the pill. Those drug companies circle back to the individuals who voted on which disorders should be placed in the DSM. More disorders = more money.

Due to the vast assortment of disorders outlined in the DSM any of us could fit into 1 or more conditions. All we'd have to do is have a discussion with our doctor.

Do you know anyone that doesn't know someone with a mental disorder? How many times have you heard "chemical imbalance"? Yet there is no scientific test, no laboratory test to be taken to confirm imbalance of the chemicals in our brain. There is a DSM.

Is Depression Real?

Yes! Are there different types of depression? Yes, just as there are different types of people with different personalities.

Is there any scientific data supporting the DSM? No. Does that mean the DSM is all false? Absolutely not. Misguided? Perhaps. Created from a process that is corrupt? Yes.

If there are individuals with direct ties to pharmaceutical companies making the decisions on the DSM, then the DSM is no longer pure. Motive of profit deters from the pure motive of wellness.

We are not ALL sick! The DSM has become a categorization method for humans, not illnesses.

The patients who actually suffer from real mental illnesses, such as any of the different types of depression, are lumped into a massive group and lack the individual attention needed to treat their disease.

The system has overwhelmed itself into a business of profit, rather than a service contributing toward the wellbeing of others.

With 300+ disorders, and 300 million psychiatric drugs being prescribed to patients each year, how can a truly sick individual get the personal attention and help that they deserve? How can a single disorder get the resources it needs to find a cure?

The Self Fulfilling Prophecy

The DSM, containing a mass quantity of mental disorders, has become a self fulfilling prophecy. Everyone can fit into a condition. Label someone with a condition and they become that condition.

And thats the point. Patients with a condition require treatment. Treatment = money. A mass amount of patients equals the inability to properly treat them due to a lack of personal attention.

The industry is an overloaded classroom with only 1 teacher.

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If you are suffering from 1 of the different types of depression it is important to understand your condition and any risks associated with that condition so that you may determine your next steps.

Below you will find a brief summary of each of the different types of depression. For more in depth information click on the name of the disorder.

Major Depressive Disorder

Major depressive disorder is also referred to as clinical depression, major depression, unipolar depression, or unipolar disorder.

This type of depression is characterized by a low mood, low self-esteem, and loss of interest in normal activities that were once enjoyable.

Major depression is a disabling disorder that can affect an individual’s relationships, family, work or school, and overall health.

A patient suffering from clinical depression will persistently feel sadness; unlike the feeling of sadness that we all feel during painful situations, a patient suffering from clinical depression may feel sad for no reason at all and lack the ability to bring up their mood.


Dysthymia, a chronic condition also known as minor depression, is very similar to major depressive disorder but with less severe symptoms that last for longer periods of time; at least 2 years.

Individuals do not suffer from manic episodes; episodes of high mood that are associated with bipolar disorder.

Because dysthymia is a chronic type of depression sufferers may feel it is a part of their individual makeup, resulting in the choice to not seek treatment.

Bipolar Depression

Bipolar Depression, also known as bipolar-disorder or manic-depression, is similar to other different types of depression in that the individual experiences lows, however differs due to abnormal highs, or mania.

Sufferers are unable to experience normal ranges in mood. Mood swings are severe enough to impact the person’s everyday life.

Atypical Depression

Atypical depression is more commonly diagnosed in women.

One will experience symptoms of clinical depression, show improvement, and then the symptoms will aggravate again.

Periodic panic attacks and extreme sensitivity to rejection accompany this type of depression, as well as overeating and oversleeping.

Their external environment impacts the individual, alternating between deep depression and a hopeful mood depending on the situation.

One may appear happy in social situations but plummet into a deep state of depression once alone.

Psychotic Depression

Psychotic Depression is a more severe than the other different types of depression.

Patients may experience symptoms such as hallucinations or hearing voices.

These patients are at high risk of suicide or other dangerous actions due to their lack of trust; feeling paranoid, as well as their inability to rationally comprehend their thoughts.

Most however are aware that these thoughts are fictitious, unlike patients with schizophrenia.

This self- awareness often leads to a feeling of shame resulting in a patient not admitting their condition, therefore not obtaining treatment, which increases the risk with this type of depression.

You may visit the American Psychiatric Association's website for a comprehensive list of different types of depression being reviewed for the 5th edition of the DSM.